Fagus, a symbol of our heritage
We have used the leaf of Nothofagus Gunnii as part of the 'L' in the symbol for our company. We have chosen this plant to symbolise our committment to quality and sustainability, for our customers, and for the environment.Nothofagus Gunni, or Fagus as it is commonly referred to, is the only native Tasmanian (and Australian) cold weather deciduous species. The Fagus is a Subalpine/Alpine tree or shrub and one of it's dominant features is the 'crinkle cut' leaves.
The Fagus is mostly found above 800m, but can also form part of the understorey within rainforests including King Billy Pine forests. The shrub forms an integral part of these intricate ecological communities. By losing its leaves, nutrients are returned back to the soil where they can be taken up again.
Every year many bushwalkers explore the Tasmanian wilderness to immerse themselves in the wonderful colours during the 'turning of the Fagus'.
Unfortunately, the species is particularly susceptible to fire and regeneration is rare from intense fires. Adults as well as saplings are equally affected by fire. Fagus is different from the typical Australian Eucalypt forests in this respect, since the bark is very thin comparitively. Hence, it is an indicator (both because of it's vibrancy and its susceptibility) of how well we are taking care of our natural heritage.
Some photographs courtesy of Rob Blakers Photography and
Greg Jordan (UTAS).
Images © copyright to their respective owners, not to be reproduced without permission.
Images © copyright to their respective owners, not to be reproduced without permission.